Surround them with well-behaved classmates. To increase focus, seat kids with ADHD away from distractions, such as doors, windows, and high-traffic areas. Get it from Amazon for $64.99+ (available in two sizes). Medication can do a lot to help many kids concentrate, but all children with ADHD can benefit from the techniques to increase focus described here. I walk a lot so I wouldn't care to move it from home to office too often, but a short trip across campus from my office is totally doable." - SFL It seems a lot of people want a standing desk option! And that's another positive: while it's not SUPER portable, it does fold up and can be moved around pretty easily. Also, I carried it from my office to the library (I'm a grad student) and at least five people asked me about it. It's saving my back and neck and for the price, I'm very happy.

It feels flimsy, but as I was unwilling to pay the big bucks for a truly convertible standing desk option, I am not complaining. It's easy to adjust and folds away when I want to sit. For the price, I was willing to give it a shot and I'm glad I did. Any convertible standing desk option was way more money than I wanted to spend, but then I found this. Promising review: "I bought this because I wanted the option to convert my desk to a standing desk while also having a sitting option available.